
The Fife Coastal Route is 77 miles of show stopping scenery, unique heritage and the Kingdom of Fifes amazing hospitality and all this happens while travelling alone Fifes beautiful coastline looking out towards the Firth of Forth and the North Sea.
This route doesn’t offer you the magnificent mountains of the Highlands or the Rugged wind battered coastline of the West coast, what the Fife Coastal Route offer you is lush rolling hills and farmland, interrupted by the most picturesque and interesting coastal fishing villages Scotland has to offer.
As you travel from Devilla Forest at the start you straight away begin to see the history of fife, the Royal Burgh of Culross and its famous 16th century palace is the first gem you will come across. It just gets better and better as you carry on along the coast, with Aberdour Castle built in the 12th century for all the Outlander fans, Dunfermline Palace & Abbey dating as far back as 1128, then finishing off with the history of St Andrews, the home of golf.
With the Firth of Forth on the doorstep this area isn’t short of marine wildlife and I can pretty much guarantee you will see plenty of seals lounging around on the rocks in the sun, as the forth is home to one of Britains’s largest seal colonies .
I would certainly recommend taking a boat trip out to ‘The Isle of May” where you will see 1000’s of sea birds (including my favourite puffins) nesting during the summer months, again on route you are very likely to see dolphins and porpoise and if you are very luck you may spot a killer whale.
As I keep saying this is another tourist route that will not disappoint, be it the scenery, wildlife of the hospitality of the locals. What I will say though and this is a must, you must get a large bag of Fish and Chips and enjoy then down on the harbour, just fantastic.

Our recommendations
"Mouth watering locations for a bite to eat"
Stop off at one of our recommended restaurants for a bit of lunch or afternoon tea, or why not make a weekend of it and book into a hotel for a few nights away and explore the beautiful Angus Tourist Route at your leisure.
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